Mike here. A couple of months ago, Nerd Block started advertising that they were coming up with a new subscription box geared towards kids called "Nerd Block Jr.". As more information became available, it was revealed that there would be two different boxes based on gender. The marketing for the boxes was honestly somewhat disheartening. The box for boys was going to be blue and the brands it was supposed to have included Nintendo, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, DC Comics, and more. The box for girls was going to be pink and the brands it was supposed to have included Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, Monster High, Furby, and more. I can somewhat understand Hello Kitty and My Little Pony being in the girl box, but even those have fans of the opposite gender. The other brands, in my opinion, are not very gender specific. My niece, for example, loves Star Wars. My friend's daughter knows a heck of a lot more about Nintendo than my 5-year-old boy cousin, AND she has a favourite Avenger. Oh, and what about Bronies? Wasn't there just a story in the news last week about a boy who brings a My Little Pony lunch box to school? And, I'm not talking about a high schooler. No, I'm talking about a 9-year-old.
Not all was negative, though. You've seen me continually criticize Nerd Block for the decrease in quality of its included products, especially when it came to including toys one could find in a dollar store. With Nerd Block Jr. and larger adult Nerd Blocks planned to hit at the same time, it seemed like Ned Block was looking to move some of the cheaper products to the Jr. boxes and then provide better stuff in the adult one. Now that it's March, you've heard what I have to say about Nerd Block Adult. Here, we'll see if the Boy and Girl boxes are worth the price of admission.
In case you didn't know, Nerd Block Jr. is a monthly subscription box and each month, people receive all sorts of products from "nerdy" franchises. Here is some information:
- choice of Boy or Girl box
- $13.99 USD plus shipping per month per box
- $20 USD / $22 CAD total per month per box in Canada
- arrives around mid-month in Canada
MARCH, 2014
Photo by Ryan F. |
Alrighty, here we go! I will start off by admitting that I did not subscribe to either of the Jr. Nerd Blocks. Instead, I got my information from friends. Let's start with the Girl box. Here's a list of what was received in my buddy Ryan's daughter's box with approximate Canadian retail prices in brackets next to each item:
- My Little Pony Tin-Tastic Tin ($8.00)
- My Little Pony Slap Band ($2.00)
- Mega Bloks Moshi Monsters Build-A-Monster ($8.00 / $5.00 on Sale)
- Mega Bloks Hello Kitty Blind Bag Figure ($2.50)
- Disney's Brave Bear Plush ($15.00 / $7.50 on Sale)
My Little Pony Tin-Tastic Tin
I remember seeing these tins at HMV late last year. You could buy them or get one for free when you purchased a certain amount of stuff. Now, they're available at my local comic shop. You get a silly-looking tin, pencils, a sheet of stickers, and 2 rubber pony figures. Not bad for 8 bucks and a fun thing to get for Nerd Block Jr. subscribers who are into My Little Pony. Plus, this tin is definitely something that I feel fits a kids box.
Photo from Amazon.com |
My Little Pony Slap Band
Adding to the pony fun is a slap band which reminds me of the snap bracelets kids had back in the 1990's. There is a big difference, though. Back in the old days, snap bracelets were covered in cheap fabric that frayed and eventually fell off. These new millennium slap bands are covered in sturdy rubber. Three cheers for progress!
You only get one band.
Photo from Amazon.com |
Mega Bloks Moshi Monsters Build-A-Monster
I have no idea what on Earth this is. I mean, I love Mega Bloks and have given their perpetually-on-sale Moshi Monsters a quick glance each time I am in the building blocks section of Toys R Us, but I don't know anything else. Enter Google. Oh, look. They're monsters that are a combination of cute and angry. You build them. Ryan's daughter got the one that's some kind of mischievous flame rabbit. Cool.
Photo from Amazon.com |
Mega Bloks Hello Kitty Blind Bag Figure
I don't know who thought making blind bags for blocky Hello Kitty figures was a good idea, but I will admit that I bought one of these a long time ago. Like, 2 years ago. I swear it was for manly comedic purposes. Really. Stop laughing...
Photo from Amazon.com |
Disney's Brave Bear Plush
The most expensive item in the box is a bear plush from Disney's "Brave". Uh, Nerd Block, you're a little late here. I think "Frozen" is the movie de jour. I smell "Bargain Bin Toy" all over this bear, although I still think it's pretty cool. Regular retail price is indeed $15.00, but wait for one of the Disney Store's plush sales and you can get it for half price or less.
Photo from Amazon.com |
Now, let's take a look at the boy version of the Jr. boxes. Ryan's friend was the one who got this for his son and my thanks goes to him for permission to post his photo. Here's a list of what was in the box with approximate Canadian retail prices in brackets next to each item:
- Star Wars Battle Droid Figure ($8.50 / $5.00 on Sale)
- Star Wars Slap Band ($2.00)
- Mega Bloks Hot Wheels Racer ($8.00 / $5.00 on Sale)
- Mega Bloks Marvel Blind Bag Figure ($2.50)
- Mario Kart Racer ($2.00)
- Skylanders Key Chain ($4.00 to $6.00)
Star Wars Battle Droid Figure
The most expensive item in the Boy Nerd Block Jr. is kind of crappy. Of all the Episode 1 characters they could have included, Nerd Block went with a Battle Droid? It's bad enough that this particular series of figures that has Darth Maul on the back board is roughly 3 years old and almost always on sale for around $5.00 at Wal-Mart. Getting a Battle Droid adds insult to injury. But, hey, at least it wasn't Jar Jar Binks, right?
Photo from Amazon.com |
Star Wars Slap Band
I love Ewan McGregor and his interpretation of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I also think that the new rubber slap bands are a neat advancement in snap bracelet technology. But, seriously, what's with the Prequels love? We all know the Original Trilogy is where it's at! Down with Episodes I to III slap bands! :p
Photo from eBay.ca |
Mega Bloks Hot Wheels Racer
This toy is pretty cool. You build a Hot Wheels car and then use a rip cord to make it zoom across your room. Problem. This is yet another product that keeps getting the SALE sticker on it. Right now, Mega Bloks has some decent, lower-priced sets for Skylanders, Call of Duty, Halo, Smurfs, and Power Rangers out that would be a much better fit than bargain bin Hot Wheels racers. Besides, if Mega Bloks is trying to promote their products, they've failed by letting Nerd Block include an almost-discontinued series. I mean, what if I got this car and liked it enough to want to get another one, only to discover that they're no longer available in stores? Would I suddenly buy a set from another Mega Bloks series? Nope.
Photo from Amazon.com |
Mega Bloks Marvel Blind Bag Figure
Yet another Mega Bloks product. I guess we know which company had the most overstock to get rid of. But, wait. This blind bag has a Marvel Comics figure! It's Series 3, too! That's the latest series of these figures, right? Sure, it certainly is. However, did you know that they came out 2 years ago AND have been discontinued?
Photo from Amazon.com |
Mario Kart Racer
Hey, look! It's a cool Mario Kart racer! This must be awesome and expensive, right? It's Nintendo after all. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I see these toys sold at Dollarama all the time for $2.00. Canadian. That's, what, 5 cents in the US? Kidding, kidding. It's around $1.75 in the US.
Photo from Amazon.com |
Skylanders Keychain
I unfortunately don't have a photo of this last item. However, I've looked into all Skylanders key chain products out there and the price is generally between $4.00 and $6.00. From what I've seen, the various key chains are all of decent quality and have some cool designs. Considering the popularity of Skylanders right now, I think this was a good product to include.
I'm honestly quite shocked by the variance in quality of included products in the Jr. Nerd Blocks. I feel that the Girls box was much better than the Boys box. It's not really a dollar value issue since you may find cheaper products that are better than more expensive ones. Instead, I just find that you can do much more with the stuff in the Girls box overall. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm happy overall. No, I am completely disappointed with Nerd Block Jr. as a whole. Almost everything included is unsold product that the respective companies are trying to just get rid of. This shows me that the problems plaguing Nerd Block aren't exclusive to the adult boxes. This is a company-wide issue that needs to be addressed. I already cancelled my adult Nerd Block and I sure as heck will not subscribe to Nerd Block Jr. It's really a shame since this subscription box company had so much potential.
~ Mike