Saturday, March 5, 2016

MeUndies - February, 2016

Hi! Mike here, and this is going to be a somewhat odd review. Why? Because it's going to be about underwear. No, you didn't read that wrong. I said "underwear". More specifically, MY underwear. 

Now, don't run away screaming. Give me a chance here! Last month, I was Googling comfortable underwear when I was directed to the web site of a company called "MeUndies". I liked the designs they had and decided to look up some reviews. As it turned out, their products are supposed to be some of the best on the market. Plus, they have a subscription service that sends 1 pair of underpants per month for $16.00 USD. My usual brands cost more, so I went for it.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago and here is what I got in the mail:

When I first signed up for MeUndies, I was expecting my deliveries to arrive in plastic shipping bags like the T-shirts I order from Ript Apparel or Tee Fury. What I wasn't expecting was a box. But, it was a blessing in disguise since it met the box criteria for this blog, so now I'm here reviewing it for you. LOL

Here's what I found when I opened up the box:

Ooooookay... Is that a baseball cap?! Yes, it's a baseball cap. And, it has the MeUndies logo on it. Here's a closer look:

I am definitely not going to be wearing this hat, but at least the quality is nice.

What's more shocking than getting a baseball cap with an underwear order is what was under the hat. Have a look:



Moving on. Here's what I found once I stuck my finger in the hole and pulled:

Man, all this packaging for a hat and a pair of boxer briefs. Here's what they look like in all their underwear-y glory:

I personally love the cartoony design. The material is very soft and feels like it's pretty high quality. After having worn them, I can confirm that the reviews on other sites are correct - These boxer briefs are extremely comfortable.

All in all, I'm very happy to have ordered from MeUndies and can't wait for the March pair, which will probably arrive in early April. If you're interested in buying a pair of comfortable underpants, go to and see if anything suits your fancy.

And, that's it for now. Stay tuned for more In Box with Mike & Jess coming soon!

~ Mike

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